Monday, April 28, 2014

The WellHouse and I

Allow me to briefly introduce myself – my name is Cathy Davis. I am a mom of two adult daughters (seriously?). I work at a local law firm as an Operations Support Specialist and I work part-time at a local craft store, helping support my craft addiction. I was born and raised in Birmingham, moved around the country for a few years but came back to Birmingham in 2002. I am the Chair of the Christ Church United Methodist Human Trafficking Task Force.

I met Alexa and Tajuan in June of 2012. The first house was just being opened and ladies were moving in. I asked them how we at Christ Church could help and Tajuan suggested we come to the house and help paint, clean, and other stuff. Honestly, I have no idea – I tuned out when I realized manual labor was involved.  As soon as I could pipe in, I said, “I’m not doing that – what else you got?” Luckily, the three of us just clicked, and they understood I wasn’t being totally serious.

Tajuan suggested I come to the house and just sit with her. She wasn’t going to do the manual labor either. We both thought this sounded like a great idea. She and I could have some one on one time and she could educate me on The WellHouse and what they needed from their volunteers.

What started that Saturday was just the start of a beautiful mentorship and friendship. I found myself sitting on the front porch of that house just soaking “it” all in. Sitting on the front porch, turned into sitting with Tajuan in many different places. I have traveled with her to speaking engagements, which have included spending the night away from home, wearing an airplane and spending countless (and very precious) hours with Tajuan.

All of that sitting became my job description -- official Sitter/Stander for The WellHouse.  Sitting title is obvious, right? The standing title comes from my desire to stand in the gap and intercede (Ezekiel 22: 30on behalf of Tajuan and everyone else involved with The WellHouse: staff, ladies, volunteers, funding, etc.

You’ll see me at events. I’m the one who helps with the merchandising or helps Tajuan with her materials. I might be the one who helps her finish up at an event and leave. Whatever the sitting needs to do is what I’ll be doing.

In the meantime, I am being mentored by someone who has been through more than I can ever imagine or bear. Tajuan is a woman of such strong faith and conviction. She has allowed God to use her story and show how only He can turn such a story into something beautiful for His glory. (Isaiah 61:3) I have a friend with whom I can laugh and cry and share life. I love her, her daughters, her family, the ministry she birthed, the love of Christ she shows. I cherish and treasure the time we spend together.

I am honored to be The WellHouse Sitter/Stander. I have the privilege of seeing God’s work up close and personal, through Tajuan and all others involved with and in the ministry. It is my privilege and honor to have been asked to stand in the gap and intercede on their behalf.  If Tajuan is speaking and you see someone standing in the background, it’s probably me. Please, come and introduce yourself. I love meeting and talking with people.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Kaitlyn, follower of Jesus, woman of integrity, fiancé of Neal, and Case Manager for The WellHouse

My name is Kaitlyn, I have the honor and privilege of serving as the Case Manager for The WellHouse, and I do mean HONOR and PRIVILEGE.

Allow me to explain: I met the love of my life in the little town I call home, Florence, Alabama. We met our junior year of college and the rest is….well the story I am telling you is the rest. His career path led him to Birmingham and since he is “my” person I had no choice but to follow him! So I packed my bags, left my family and friends to complete an internship with a child advocacy center in the Birmingham area while planning my wedding. Little did I know God was leading me to a great adventure!

A weekend position came open at The WellHouse and the timing could not have been more perfect! Upon being offered the job I began seeing things fall into place in my life. Things I could have never orchestrated myself. There was a higher power at work. There was a script and a set, I merely had to show up and play my part. However, I had to be willing, and I was not (at first). I struggled with finding a job in my field and though a position had come open at The WellHouse, I thought myself inadequate and under-qualified. Yet as Tajuan has said to me plenty of times, “You don’t want to end up as whale vomit”.

I cite the book of Jonah. Yes the whole book, because you see becoming whale vomit is not a simple or quick task. It took Jonah hearing God’s command, refusing God’s call, running away, stowing away on a boat, being thrown off said boat during a storm, being swallowed by a whale and THEN he was thrown up on the shore- making him whale vomit. As you can see it took a few steps to get there. Let’s not even get into how angry Jonah was with God after he was so unceremoniously coughed up by a whale, answered God’s call and disagreed with God’s decision to save the Israelites. I can see myself in this story so very much. I can recall feeling His call and pull and refusing it, it was not a part of MY plan. I can recall doors being slammed in my face and instead of patiently waiting for a window to open, I broke through the wall, I had to continue forward on MY path. I can recall knowing that I was not in line with His path for me and terrible things were happening whilst I was sticking to my own plan.  My sweet Memaw always said, “If you want to make God laugh, tell him YOUR plan.” Her quick wit and southern charm was abundant and she was full of good advice. Yet this is one of the most sobering things that she ever said to me. I am so thankful, although I am sure it was not by accident, that along that path while refusing God’s call I became the woman who was brave enough to answer His call, or at least stop fighting it!

I say all of this to say that God has worked on me since I started working at The WellHouse. I have no doubt that I am meant to be right where I am. I have experienced grace by being a part of an agency that extends it. Every time. Period. I have learned more about what it means to be a child of God and a true Christ follower. I have seen redemption; not only in myself, but also in the ladies I have the privilege of serving. I have seen resilience; a type of resilience that few may ever see; the type of resilience that only a survivor has. I have seen love, poured out by complete strangers, for ladies they will NEVER meet.

Our ladies have taught me more about surrendering to the will of God. Period. SURRENDERING. We’re talking about women who have had control of NOTHING in their lives SURRENDERING to the will of God.  I have also experienced heartache. Yet every day I learn something from our ladies, be it how to make cornbread, how to crochet or how to heal. These beautiful ladies have taught me more than I could ever teach them.  Our agency is unique in so many ways. For that I am so thankful and proud, as it helps to create the environment most conducive to our ladies healing.

When I came to The WellHouse I wanted to plant a seed of Christ and His love in one lady (you know...leave the 99, save the 1). However, in my time at The WellHouse, the ladies and staff have planted and nurtured my own seed and it has grown immensely. I hope you stick around and read more, because our ladies are worth it. They are worth your time, they are worth your prayers and they are worth your love.

May God’s grace be poured out upon you,


Thursday, March 20, 2014

They told me to....

Well, I have been told by several people (2+) that we should start blogging for The WellHouse. I have also NOT wanted to do this. It is time consuming, I have to share it, people want to comment and then expect me to reply...UGH! Seems like more work! However, since I have been in counseling I have learned a number of things (Thank you God and Kelley!) but one of the most memorable is what Kelley (my counselor) told me: "Whether it be positive or negative, if 2 or more people tell you that you have a 'tail', you might need to take a look at your butt!" Well, I guess I have "looked at my butt" because here I am....BLOGGING!

With this being the FIRST WellHouse blog I am going to do some housekeeping:

  • I will not be the only contributor.
  • I will ask a different staff member or resident each week to submit something to me and I will post it! (not so much work)
  • We will NOT identify ANY of the ladies, but if they want us to we will post their thoughts!
  • Please don't expect an immediate response to a comment, and sometimes I may not be able to respond at all. Please don't be offended, I promise it is not personal.
  • I and those contributing WILL share the love, grace, mercy, forgiveness and power of Jesus Christ. IF this offends you....well, it just may offend you and we will pray for you.
  • Sometimes we may only post a picture. We will do our best to make sure it inspires you or explain in short detail "why" it is only a picture.
  • We will do our best to post weekly. We will share it on our other social media sites and you can follow us here.
  • We will share heartaches, disappointments, successes, failures, glory, joy, happiness and all other emotions related to living life.
  • We will have grammatical errors, typos etc.... Please don't be the grammar police, we are not perfect and we may have wanted you to read it EXACTLY the way it was given to us and/or felt by us.
  • Friday's will be our target date and yes, we will try to post tomorrow!
I am sure I have left some things out, but have done my best to send out our first blog! I pray you already know Jesus Christ, but if you do not we will share His love here.

Our Mission:
To rescue and serve victims of human trafficking and enlighten society all through love and grace by the power of Jesus Christ.

If you don't know who we are, here are some links for you to find out:
Twitter: The_WellHouse

Sign up for our Newsletter on our website!

Have a great evening!
All for His Glory,