Thursday, March 20, 2014

They told me to....

Well, I have been told by several people (2+) that we should start blogging for The WellHouse. I have also NOT wanted to do this. It is time consuming, I have to share it, people want to comment and then expect me to reply...UGH! Seems like more work! However, since I have been in counseling I have learned a number of things (Thank you God and Kelley!) but one of the most memorable is what Kelley (my counselor) told me: "Whether it be positive or negative, if 2 or more people tell you that you have a 'tail', you might need to take a look at your butt!" Well, I guess I have "looked at my butt" because here I am....BLOGGING!

With this being the FIRST WellHouse blog I am going to do some housekeeping:

  • I will not be the only contributor.
  • I will ask a different staff member or resident each week to submit something to me and I will post it! (not so much work)
  • We will NOT identify ANY of the ladies, but if they want us to we will post their thoughts!
  • Please don't expect an immediate response to a comment, and sometimes I may not be able to respond at all. Please don't be offended, I promise it is not personal.
  • I and those contributing WILL share the love, grace, mercy, forgiveness and power of Jesus Christ. IF this offends you....well, it just may offend you and we will pray for you.
  • Sometimes we may only post a picture. We will do our best to make sure it inspires you or explain in short detail "why" it is only a picture.
  • We will do our best to post weekly. We will share it on our other social media sites and you can follow us here.
  • We will share heartaches, disappointments, successes, failures, glory, joy, happiness and all other emotions related to living life.
  • We will have grammatical errors, typos etc.... Please don't be the grammar police, we are not perfect and we may have wanted you to read it EXACTLY the way it was given to us and/or felt by us.
  • Friday's will be our target date and yes, we will try to post tomorrow!
I am sure I have left some things out, but have done my best to send out our first blog! I pray you already know Jesus Christ, but if you do not we will share His love here.

Our Mission:
To rescue and serve victims of human trafficking and enlighten society all through love and grace by the power of Jesus Christ.

If you don't know who we are, here are some links for you to find out:
Twitter: The_WellHouse

Sign up for our Newsletter on our website!

Have a great evening!
All for His Glory,


  1. Awesome...looking forward to seeing this weekly!

    1. I am send me an email with your contribution! :-)

  2. Replies
    1. I am send me an email with your contribution! :-)
